Bet with Asian Handicap

Bet with Asian Handicap

This time, we questioned and approached a method widely used by professional bettors, who use the news as a true “Edge” handicap (advantage) over bookmakers.

A dedicated bettor, hence we initially approached, that this content could be more relevant to a professional bettor, can take advantage of the news.

A professional gambler is always on top of the event. Usually you choose your games in advance and quickly search for all the information.

The bettor keeps updating what I left until that same event takes place.

A news that brings some imbalance in the teams, which calls into question the performance of any of them, can happen with the “Edge” in relation to the bookmaker.

Before moving on to an example, explain that the bookmaker may even be fast, but with so many games available it takes time to adjust your lines / odds before the relevant news or not, pay attention to this detail.

We proceed to explain, through a fictitious example.

The Bettor wants to go to the Football game A vs B on the weekend – Saturday.

On Monday he starts collecting all the information after the last day. Check if there were any sequelae, for example, of an important player touched and who will spend the week in recovery.

This situation, if it happens, already leaves the bettor with a previous warning. That player may or may not play in the next game, this may be relevant to the bet.

Now the bettor is aware of everything, whether that player is going to play or not, and starts to be “on top” of everything that is news of that event. We refer that the bettor must pay attention to team A and B.

Factors that can give the “Edge” about the bookmakers and continuing with the example, is to know if for example the important player at the last minute will play or not. Above all, this is only revealed in the opening 11 before the game even starts.

Another important factor is the weather conditions, sometimes very adverse conditions and a game.

The one that does not have much consideration for this factor, but I highlight if they are really adverse, I believe there. I also add the climate factor here.

Imagine and this happens a lot in international games and or Champions League, where teams that are basically in the summer and then go to Russia with negative temperatures. Here the body manifests itself and many players to follow even get cold.

Coaches’ Mind Games and press conferences may have a lot of influence but here it requires a deeper knowledge, especially of the methodologies used by the coaches.

Press conferences can reveal one or another detail that could happen in the game and that can be important in the game.

Often federative decisions also affect the betting conditions, as well as problems in the players’ trip to the city where they will play. In this situation, it often happens in 2nd division championships.

Just one example in Brazil, sometimes travel takes 7 hours even by plane. When talking about a Serie B team where financial resources are low, players are sure to travel in economy class and not in 1st class.

This could be one of the main factors in the world of news, which can change the odds a lot and win the “Edge” to the house where we will bet.

The question of whether a team will run players or use non-starters may have relevance in the “Edge”, and here it is important to know who to count on in the opening 11 and here only at the time of the game.

Sometimes the calls say, and as soon as you leave, you can also be a beautiful example of an “Edge” using the news as a handicap.

As one would expect this responsibility requires that the Gambler knows and is aware of what he is doing. And with this added responsibility, he is obliged to be attentive to everything that surrounds the game where he will bet.

We call the reader back to the following, bookmakers alone are already at an advantage over the bettor. Being aware of this factor forces you to always try to overcome it by something that the house did not pay attention to, or did not give the real value.

The houses are already at an advantage, because they are the ones that offer you the odds, the price that that event is worth in the game. Just for this big and small factor you are already losing.

Going back to the article and how to use the news as our handicap against bookmakers, the bettor will have to be equipped with all the sites, local newspapers, sites with weather conditions.

Sometimes there is a confidence from one player or another about the next game, or to give an understanding of how his recovery is going.

Crucial point for using this method is to be at the center of the world with regard to news about that particular event. If we achieve this, we are ahead of the bookmakers, as it is slower to adjust to the news.

Something important that we must take into account, this “fight” is not easy, and as we said, it is necessary to be dedicated to 100% and this only in a professional bettor.

But the playful bettor can also have this Edge, just as soon as he starts spreading the news, he receives it and quickly has the means to place his position on the market and place his bet. Sometimes this happens is rare, but it happens.

We believe in our analysis that this method should be considered by everyone. Even if you don’t take it so deeply, it is always essential to be inside the game we want to play.

We may even be further away from the news, but it is important to be closer to what can change our thinking about the game and the bet to make.

We validate this method as very valid for those who bet, whether you are professional or playful bettors, being in front of the bookmaker is always the best method that a bettor can have to place his bets and have a higher profitability in his bets.

I hope that this article has once again clarified and helped your growth as bettors and that you use it with an “Edge” in your bets.

Good bets!